APRIL 12 | STATE OF ALARM | A massage from the Prime Minister of Spain 21 abril, 202021 abril, 2020 coronavirus, Covid-19 Continue reading... APRIL 12 | STATE OF ALARM | A massage from the Prime Minister of Spain
APRIL 12 | Press Conference | President of the Region of Murcia 21 abril, 202021 abril, 2020 coronavirus, Covid-19 Continue reading... APRIL 12 | Press Conference | President of the Region of Murcia
INMURCIA RESORTS MAGAZINE “STAY AT HOME” Edición Especial 4 abril, 20204 abril, 2020 Presentamos el primer número de una serie semanal y limitada, abierta a todos los residentes durante el Estado de Alarma. Disfruta de su lectura y cuídate. ¡Quédate en casa! LEER “STAY AT HOME” AHORA Continue reading... INMURCIA RESORTS MAGAZINE “STAY AT HOME” Edición Especial
March 15 | Adopt measures to stop #COVID-19 31 marzo, 20202 abril, 2020 Continue reading... March 15 | Adopt measures to stop #COVID-19
A message from the Prime Minister of Spain (English audio) 31 marzo, 2020 Continue reading... A message from the Prime Minister of Spain (English audio)
Press Conference – March 17 31 marzo, 20202 abril, 2020 Continue reading... Press Conference – March 17
March 18 | Message from HIS MAJESTY KING FELIPE VI 31 marzo, 20202 abril, 2020 Continue reading... March 18 | Message from HIS MAJESTY KING FELIPE VI
Press Conference March 20 | President of the Región de Murcia Hon.Mr.Fernando López Miras 31 marzo, 20202 abril, 2020 Continue reading... Press Conference March 20 | President of the Región de Murcia Hon.Mr.Fernando López Miras
March 21 – “The worst is yet to come” Stay at home! Message from the Spanish Prime Minister 31 marzo, 20202 abril, 2020 Continue reading... March 21 – “The worst is yet to come” Stay at home! Message from the Spanish Prime Minister
March 22 | Extension on State of Alarm Message from the Spanish Prime Minister 31 marzo, 20202 abril, 2020 Continue reading... March 22 | Extension on State of Alarm Message from the Spanish Prime Minister
March 28 | Message from the Spanish Prime Minister: Call for a United Europe against COVID-19 31 marzo, 20202 abril, 2020 coronavirus, Covid-19 Continue reading... March 28 | Message from the Spanish Prime Minister: Call for a United Europe against COVID-19
March 28 | Press Conference Q&A Spanish Prime Minister 31 marzo, 20202 abril, 2020 Continue reading... March 28 | Press Conference Q&A Spanish Prime Minister